In today’s podcast, we discover that God has a name for us and in some instances, He will even CHANGE our Name to display His Glory in the earth!
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Isaiah 43:1 …’For I have redeemed you’…
The Redeeming Blood of Christ has purchased our salvation.
Isaiah 43:1…’And He who formed you…’
Jeremiah 1:5 says: ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; and I ordained you a prophet to the nations.’
Isaiah 43:1…Who Created You, O Jacob…
Are you walking and thriving in the beauty God has called you too?
Isaiah 43:1 But Now…!
Do you remember your mom or dad saying, “do what I said, NOW!”? Beloved, God has a Now time and season that He is bringing forth in our lives… Listen to today’s podcast as we discover God’s Now for our lives.
Isaiah 43:1 He Calls You by Your Name
Today, I’m reading from my devotional: A Prostitute No Longer. This Devotional is a 9-week guide to a life transformed. It is written and meant to be used as a companion to the book “A Prostitute No Longer”. The book and devotional will challenge and transform your mind and heart from following your own desires […]
Isaiah 41:13b Fear Not, I Will Help You.
Fear can grip you and cause you to be paralyzed, preventing you from moving forward. Remember Isaiah 41:13, For I the LORD your God will hold your right hand, saying to you, Fear not, I will help you.