Friday Jan 10, 2025

Tell What Great Things God Has Done for You!

Often, we don’t feel that we have a testimony. But yet, if we were to meet with you privately, you would tell us the things the Lord has brought you out of. But here is the dilemma: what if the person who witnessed to you would have remained silent? What if the person who prayed for you would have remained quiet?

Luke 8:26-39

A Demon-Possessed Man Healed

Do you remember the story of the demon-possessed man of Gadarenes? When Jesus and the disciples sailed to the Gadarenes, they were met by a certain man from the city who was filled with demons for a long time. This man wore no clothes. He was driven from his friends and family into the wilderness, a place of seclusion and aloneness due to the demonic oppression in his life that caused him to exist, not live, in the graveyard with chains and shackles to keep him bound so as not to hurt anyone nor himself.

One day, Jesus and His disciples arrived in that country, simply to set this man free. Jesus asked the demoniac what his name was. He said, “Legion,” because many demons had entered him. They begged Jesus to not command them into the abyss but to allow them to enter the swine feeding nearby. Jesus permitted this, and the people who owned and fed the swine fled and went in the city to tell what happened – but they didn’t tell the whole story. When the people came to see what had happened, they found Jesus with the man from whom the demons had departed. The man was sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind.

The man was completely set free, and he begged Jesus to allow him to be with Him. But Jesus sent him away, saying, “Return to your own house, and tell what great things God has done for you.” As the man went, he proclaimed throughout the whole city the marvelous things Jesus had done for him.

Friend, what about you? Have you told of the wonderful things God has done for you? Make it a point to do so. Someone is waiting on you stepping forward and telling your story. Be the witness that Jesus is looking for.

Lisa Pate